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This season's prompt was open to Latinx artists to respond to the poem, “Changes of Name”

by Chilean poet, Nicanor Parra, or to the theme of changing names.


 Responses to this prompt are a reflection of each artist’s interpretation.

Click on the pieces below to read more about the artwork's connection to this theme and the artists behind them.


To the lovers of beautiful letters

I extend my best wishes

I am going to change the names of a few things.

My position is this:

The poet does not fulfill his word

Unless he changes the names of things.

For what reason has the sun

Always been called the sun?

I say call it Pussy Cat

The one with forty league boots!

My shoes look like coffins?

From here on out

Shoes are going to be called coffins.

Communicate it, note it down, and publish it

That shoes have changed name:

From now on they will be called coffins.

Well, the night is long

Every poet who considers himself such

Should have their own dictionary

And before I forget

God himself has to change names

That every individual names him what they want:

That is a personal problem.


Poem translation by Suzanna Geisel-Zamora


Adam Intriago

Angel Perdomo

Dusty Santamaria

Karla Rojas

Poncili Creacion

Santiago Castro

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